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What is Music Therapy?

Music therapy is the use of evidence based music interventions
to accomplish individualized goals.

According to the American Music Therapy Association, “Music Therapy is an established health profession in which music is used within a therapeutic relationship to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals." After assessing the strengths and needs of each client, our board-certified music therapist develops individualized music therapy experiences to provide creative opportunities for growth that are uniquely tailored to the strengths of our clients. This may be through instrument play, singing, creating, moving to, and/or listening to music.

Music Therapy for folks who are neurodiverse

Music therapy offers a unique way to meet the needs of kids and adults with intellectual and developmental differences, physiological challenges, brain injuries, and other identified needs. We work with you to create a plan of care that will build upon you or your loved one’s unique strengths and provide creative opportunities for growth. Music therapy can be covered by CDCS, DD, CADI, BI, and CAC waivers in Minnesota. Let us work with you to get started on your music therapy journey!

Music Therapy for young children

As soon as a child comes out of the womb music therapy can be used to help support your child’s growth and development. Our musical experiences are used to help develop language skills, emotional understanding, social skills, and motor control. Sammie has completed comprehensive training in early childhood music therapy in the Sprouting Melodies training course through Raising Harmony.



Individual Sessions

Let us come to you! We offer in-home and facility-based individual music therapy sessions in the twin cities area that are uniquely tailored to the needs and strengths of the client. Your music therapist will get to know you better, set goals, and check-in with you about progress made. 

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Group Sessions

Group music therapy utilizes music as the pathway for social interaction, communication, and connection. Individuals are able to foster a sense of self while making music with others. All group members needs and abilities are taken into account when setting goals and planning sessions.

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Program Development

Interested in music therapy at your school, camp, group home, or hospital? Contact us! We love developing new programs in our community. We are passionate about getting to know you and your organization in order to develop a program that best fits your needs. Unsure about funding? We are knowledgeable about a variety of funding resources.


Singing with Sammie

A comprehensive music program for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. By movin' and groovin' children will be supported in the development of language skills, emotional understanding, social skills, and motor control. Sammie has completed comprehensive training in early childhood music therapy in the Sprouting Melodies training course through Raising Harmony

Music Therapy: Services
Individual Sessions
Group Sessions
Singing with Sammie
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