Thorough hand washing is essential now more than ever. The CDC recommends at least 20 seconds of vigorous hand washing with soap and warm water to prevent the spread of germs. But, 20 seconds can seem like a long time-- especially for anxious youngsters or folks with sensory needs.
For Trina handwashing is often a struggle. In an effort to hurry up and get ready for the next thing she barely touches her hands together with soap before rinsing it away. So, we are trying out some new creative adaptations to handwashing:
Our evidence base for music therapy tells us that when we pair words with a melody the words are more likely to 'stick' in our brain. If we sing the melody while facilitating a motion (like washing our hands) that message is now stored in even more parts of our brain!
So, try singing for 20 seconds while washing your hands. That right, you can do it!
Try out this sing and scrub song to the melody of "Let it go" from Disney's Frozen. Then let us know what songs YOU like to sing to while washing your hands by tagging us in your post on facebook or instagram and include the hashtag #singandscrub
Looking forward to seeing your creativity grow!